Sunday, January 31, 2010

It's Up!!!

"That’s what she said!” LOL

Sorry, couldn’t help that one.. it just came out.  Anywho, just wanted to let you all know that the story has finally been posted.  I was assured that the problem was not me [Umm, no!! Of course not!], that FFnet was actually having their own problems LOL  So, I finally got a chance to upload and it’s there for all to see.

I hope you all like it.  I must say it is liberating to write something that you care about & to just post it out there for all to see.  It’s a really weird feeling.

Also, guess what?  The story already has a banner.  How awesome is that?  Special thanks to the awesome @candykizzes24 for all her hard work in putting this together, she did a great job!

So, check out the story and let me know what you think.

But, please go easy on me as it is my first one LOL

Saturday, January 30, 2010

So.... um... Where's the story?!

Yeah, well, that’s a good question!

So, I’m a new fan fiction writer and I tried uploading my story last night (*gasps* IKR?!?) & ran into a big snafu, so I wasn’t able to upload after all.  I’m quite peeved, let me tell you, but I'm not going to give up and will give it another try again tonight.

In the meanwhile, I’d like to share the story summary with you, so check it out & feel free to add me on alert over @ FFnet!

See ya there!

Interviews & Evaluations
Rating: M
Style:  Edward & Bella
Drama/Romance - AU - All-Human

Story Summary:

Recent college graduate Isabella Bella Swan is an up-and-coming singer/songwriter who is following her dreams as she joins her lawyer boyfriend when he makes partner in Dallas, Texas. After making a name for herself in the Austin music scene, she gets swept up by an independent Dallas record label which only sweetens the move for Bella. Her life begins to change dramatically and she becomes acquainted with many new friends and opportunities.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Just a little something...


So, I’m in the process of doing some writing (at least trying to at the moment).  I honestly can’t wait to post and I’m very, very nervous so just bear with me LOL

Today, I took a little break from the writing world and decided to make a little something for you to show you all where I’m headed with this story.

Hope you like it!  Let me know what you think!

Also, I’m in the process of working on the title which has been temporarily named ”The Evaluation“ to “Interviews & Evaluations“.

If you can think of a better name for the story, by all means, feel free to send it this way & I’ll give you a shout out! :D

Write ya later,
~ Writing4Roses

Sunday, January 10, 2010

I'm All A-Twitter

Hi, there!

Just wanted to let you know you can now follow me on Twitter!

There, you’ll be able to check out my instant updates regarding posting to the blog and working on the FF!

See ya there!!
~ Writing4Roses