Monday, February 8, 2010

Teaser: Interviews & Evaluations - Chapter 2 - Brick by Brick

I just wanted to give you a little sneak peak of something that I shared with The Fictionators for their Monday Teaser!

This is for the upcoming Chapter 2 for Interviews & Evaluations which is called “Brick by Brick”:

I immediately began to think of the night at the bar on San Jacinto Boulevard and Keeton Street.  I had played a full set of songs and received a warm response from the crowd.
“Thank you,” I smiled through the shining lights, taking my guitar in my hands and slinging it over my back as I stepped down-stage and walked back over to my table.
He was sitting proudly at our table, sticking out like a sore thumb in his dress clothes. My boyfriend was looking absolutely handsome as he clapped his hands on my arrival to the table and wrapped me up in a bear hug.  As he let go, I gave him a once over, taking in the vision of his dress shirt, tie, slacks and dress shoes. Yep, my man rushed right over straight from work to see my show.

To see my teaser and a gazillion of other talented authors teasers, please check out The Fictionators’ Teaser Monday section!  :)

~ Writing4Roses :O)

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